Uncommon US Facts You Need To Know

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Interesting US Facts About Business, Lifestyle, and More

Discover the lesser-known aspects of the United States that can shape your business decisions, lifestyle choices, and overall experience. Beyond the familiar landmarks and popular culture, there’s a wealth of unique insights that foreign investors should be familiar with.

From the dynamic business landscape to the diverse tapestry of cultures, this article sheds light on essential US facts that can influence your journey as an E2 visa investor.

Business diversity and innovation

What drives business diversity and innovation in the US?

Business diversity and innovation thrive in the US due to a multifaceted ecosystem encouraging dynamic entrepreneurship. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) exceeded $25 trillion in 2022, making it the largest economy globally and one of the most sought-after destinations for a wide range of industries.

A crucial factor is the US’s robust support for research and development (R&D) investment, consistently ranking as one of the world’s top spenders in this area. This financial commitment fosters technological breakthroughs and keeps the nation on the cutting edge of innovation.

Moreover, the US hosts a vast network of startup accelerators and incubators, providing crucial mentorship, resources, and funding to emerging businesses. This support structure aids startups in overcoming initial challenges and propelling their innovative concepts into the market.

Furthermore, the US holds a reputation as a global leader in intellectual property protection, encouraging entrepreneurs to innovate without fearing their ideas will be compromised. Such factors culminate in a business environment where diversity and innovation flourish, continuously propelling the US to the forefront of global entrepreneurship.

us facts diversity

Taxation system and financial regulations

A woman calculating tax with a dog besides her

What are some US taxation and financial regulations for foreign investors and businesses?

The United States corporate tax rate stands at 21% for C corporations, making it a competitive destination for investment. However, this rate can be subject to deductions and credits contributing to a company’s effective tax rate. Additionally, foreign investors should be aware of withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and royalties, which can be influenced by tax treaties between the US and their home countries.

Foreign investors looking to invest in US real estate should also consider the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA), which imposes taxes on gains from the sale of US real property interests. However, certain exemptions exist based on factors like ownership percentage and the intended usage of the property.

Beyond federal taxes, foreign investors and businesses should also be mindful of state-level taxes and regulatory nuances, which can vary across jurisdictions.

Consumer behavior and marketing trends

What influences consumer behavior and marketing trends?

Consumer behavior in the US is uniquely shaped by various factors driving distinctive marketing trends. One compelling factor is the concept of “retailtainment,” where consumers seek immersive and entertaining shopping experiences. This has led to the rise of experiential retail spaces, blending shopping with entertainment, aiming to engage consumers on a deeper level.

Additionally, the influence of social media cannot be understated, with a staggering 82% of Americans having at least one social media profile. The rise of social media has transformed how brands interact with consumers, utilizing platforms to create personalized connections and engage in real-time conversations.

Sustainability has also emerged as a rising trend, with recent surveys revealing that most US consumers consider sustainability an important factor in their purchasing decisions. This awareness has prompted businesses to incorporate eco-friendly practices into their marketing strategies to align with changing consumer values.

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Real estate dynamics and the housing market

How does the real estate market in the US impact investment decisions?

The US real estate market significantly influences investment decisions due to its dynamic nature and potential for substantial gains. One popular trend is “house flipping,” where properties are purchased, renovated, and resold for profit. This practice offers average gross profits of $67,900 per flip, indicating the potential returns that can be gained within this market niche.

Furthermore, the housing market’s resilience is demonstrated by its ability to weather economic fluctuations. Despite occasional downturns, the US housing market has historically rebounded and demonstrated long-term appreciation. Over the past 30 years, the median existing-home price in the U.S. has increased from \$100,178.27 to \$391,793.81, showcasing significant growth in real estate investments.

Work-life balance

How do Americans manage work-life balance?

Americans embrace a multifaceted approach to work-life balance, blending ambition with a pursuit of personal well-being. Notably, the US lacks legal requirements for paid vacation and sick leave, potentially leading to longer working hours. However, the culture emphasizes individual initiative and often values the integration of work with personal passions.

This has led to various arrangements, such as remote work and flexible hours, allowing professionals to tailor their schedules.

Moreover, innovative work arrangements like the four-day workweek are gaining popularity, aiming to enhance productivity and job satisfaction. The concept of “bleisure” travel is also on the rise, as professionals extend business trips to include leisure activities, exemplifying the American approach to blending work and personal pursuits.

US facts real estate housing

The melting pot of cultures

us facts school system in classroom

What makes the US a cultural melting pot?

The United States stands out as a cultural melting pot, and this unique characteristic is attributed to its history of immigration and diverse population. With more than 331 million residents, the US represents many ethnic backgrounds, contributing to a rich tapestry of cultures. This multiculturalism is evident in the cuisines, languages, traditions, and festivals that coexist within the country.

As of 2020, nearly 45 million immigrants call the US home, constituting about 13.7% of the total population, according to data from the Migration Policy Institute. The blending of cultures has given rise to vibrant neighborhoods, local celebrations, and a global fusion of ideas.

Legally, the US is committed to embracing and respecting cultural diversity. Landmark legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 has played a pivotal role in ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for individuals from all walks of life.

Schooling and education options

What are the schooling and education options available in the US?

The United States offers many schooling and education options that cater to various preferences and learning needs. One of the key features of the US education system is its emphasis on choice and flexibility. Families can choose between public, private, and charter schools, each offering distinct approaches to education.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, approximately 50.8 million students were enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools in 2019-2020, while around 4.7 million students attended private schools.

In addition to traditional schools, the US boasts a strong network of higher education institutions. The country is home to prestigious universities and colleges that attract students worldwide. The flexibility of education pathways is further demonstrated by the prevalence of community colleges, which offer two-year degree programs and serve as a cost-effective way to begin higher education.

Healthcare and insurance

How does the US healthcare and insurance system work?

The US healthcare and insurance system presents a unique blend of public and private elements that can be intriguing to foreign investors. It lacks a universal healthcare system, resulting in a diverse range of coverage options and costs. Interestingly, the US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country globally, yet it doesn’t have universal coverage.

Another distinctive feature is the emphasis on employer-sponsored insurance. It’s worth noting that the United States is one of the few developed countries where health insurance is closely tied to employment. This arrangement can influence job decisions and employer-employee dynamics, which might be unfamiliar to investors from countries with different healthcare systems.

Additionally, navigating the complex web of insurance plans, copayments, and deductibles can be overwhelming for newcomers, requiring careful consideration and planning.

Environmental consciousness and sustainability efforts

How does the US prioritize environmental consciousness and sustainability?

The US is increasingly placing emphasis on environmental consciousness and sustainability, driven by a growing awareness of the impact of human activities on the planet. While it’s true that the U.S. withdrew from the Paris Agreement in 2020, many states, cities, and businesses within the country are still committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, California, one of the most populous states, is often at the forefront of sustainability efforts, implementing strict emissions regulations and renewable energy goals.

In addition, American consumers are playing a significant role in driving sustainability initiatives. A report by Nielsen found that 73% of American millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products. This consumer demand is encouraging businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and develop sustainable products, creating opportunities for foreign investors who are aligned with environmentally conscious values.


As you begin your journey as an E2 visa investor in the United States, remember that knowledge is your strongest ally. Whether it’s seizing innovation opportunities, understanding taxation, or appreciating different cultures, being well-informed sets the foundation for success.

And if you’re interested in investing in a franchise for your E2 visa application, look no further. With our specialized expertise, E2VisaFranchises stands ready to guide you in E2 visa franchising. Your American dream awaits, and we’re here to make it a reality. Consult today.


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