Is Real Estate Business a Lucrative Investment Option for E2 Visa Entrepreneurs?

Real Estate Business Investment for E2 Visa: Is It Profitable?

Yes, the real estate business can indeed be a lucrative investment option for E2 visa entrepreneurs, but there are specific considerations to keep in mind.

While E-2 applications for real estate business may receive increased scrutiny, several types of real estate businesses can qualify for an E2 visa. These include owning and operating a real estate brokerage firm, a real estate management company, a real estate renovation or construction company, or a house flipping business.

The key consideration is that the E2 visa applicant must demonstrate that their real estate business is an active and commercial endeavor, providing either services or commodities. It should not be a passive investment or a mere real estate holding company. Evidence of actively managing properties, offering services to clients, and hiring employees, where applicable, can strengthen the case for a successful E2 visa application.

You Don't Know Which Business To Go For Your E-2 Visa?

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