Preparing for Your E2 Visa Interview: Common Questions to Expect

The E2 Visa Interview Process: What to Expect

The interview process in the consulate is conducted in English and lasts around 10-20 minutes.

Please remember you can not enter the consulate with phones, smartwatches, backpacks, or bags. It is important not to be late for the interview and at least arrive at the consulate 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled interview as there is a security clearance.

Cracking the E2 Visa Interview: Common Questions You Should Be Ready to Answer

Here is a compilation of the E2 visa interview questions asked to our clients throughout our 19 years of experience:

1. Can you explain the nature of the business?

Be prepared to provide a brief overview of the business, including its industry, products or services, target market, and business model. Avoid using technical jargon and try to explain the business in simple terms that the interviewer can understand.

2. Is the business already running?

Answer truthfully and provide information on the status of the business, such as whether it is already operational, in the planning phase, or under construction.

3. Where is it located?

Provide the location of the business, including the city and state.

4. How much did you invest?

Be prepared to provide the exact amount invested in the business. Also, provide details on how the investment was made, such as through cash, bank loans, or other sources.

5. How is your past education and experience related to this business?

Provide details on how your past education and experience relate to the business, highlighting any relevant skills or knowledge that you possess.

6. How many employees do you have?

Provide the current number of employees and the anticipated number of employees in the next few years.

7. What is the business profit after the first and third years?

Be prepared to provide projected financial statements for the first and third years of the business. This will show the interviewer that you have a solid business plan and are financially capable of running the business.

8. Where do you see the business going in the next five years?

Provide a detailed growth plan for the business, including expected revenues, market expansion plans, and any other relevant information.

9. Where is the source of funds?

Be prepared to provide detailed information on the source of funds used to invest in the business, including bank statements, investment documents, and other financial records.

10. Have you ever had a DUI, been arrested, or been denied entry at the border?

Answer truthfully, and provide any relevant information on past legal issues or immigration-related problems.

11. Is your spouse working in the business too?

If your spouse is working in the business, provide details on their role and responsibilities.

12. What will you do after the visa expires?

Provide a detailed plan on what you intend to do after the visa expires, including whether you plan to apply for an extension or explore other immigration options.

13. Do you have any immigration intentions?

Answer truthfully, and provide any relevant information on other immigration applications you may have submitted or plan to submit.

Hire The Best E2 Visa Consultant For Your E2 Visa.​

Ace Your E2 Visa Interview: Expert Tips for a Successful Interview Experience

We always recommend that our clients do a mock interview before the interview date. Here are some tips for nailing the E2 visa interview:

1. Be honest

Listen to the question and be honest. Immigration has all of your records and can know if you are lying.

2. Understand your documents

Know and understand your document. It is important to review back again your business plan and documents with your lawyer or consultant.

3. Intent to depart

Make sure to bring intent to depart once the visa expires statement. Signed that statement with a date on it. 

4. Relax

If you are nervous, most likely, you will stumble over words and forget what to say. So, relax and enjoy the process.

To learn more about what document you need to bring for your E2 interview, you can read it here. Consult today for free here.

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