E2 Visa Treaty Country: South Korea

Everything you need to know about South Korea E2 visa treaty country data. Learn more about how to get an approved E2 visa using a franchise business by contacting us.

South Korea treaty country flag
E2 Country SinceVisa Length
November 7, 19575 Years
Population: 51.8 million

In 2021, the number of E2 visas issued spiked high more than the past years. It shows the great demand for US visas in Korea.

The E2 visa has an 89% success rate, making E2 one of the best visas to obtain. To learn more about E2 Visa, you can click here.

We have helped 1,600+ E2 visa applicants with their business since 2004. Let's connect.

E2 Visa Issued Globally

E2 Visa Issued & Rejected 2022

E2 Visa Issued in South Korea

U.S. Embassy Seoul
188 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu,
Seoul, Korea
Phone: 82-2-397-4114

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