Do I Need Credit Score For E2 Visa Application?

Credit Score For E2 Visa

Credit score is not part of the requirements to obtain an E2 visa.

Instead, the application focuses on demonstrating the viability of the business, the applicant’s intent to develop and manage the business, and a substantial investment that is lawfully obtained. Read our E2 article for a full guide on the E2 requirements.

While it is not a requirement to have credit score for E2 visa, you can provide financial evidence that includes it to prove that you can support yourself and your U.S. venture, which can strengthen your case. We advise that you consult with an experienced immigration attorney for more tailor-fit guidance on which evidence you may need.

While a good credit score for E2 visa is not required to apply for an E2 visa, here are instances where having a good credit score can benefit you once you are already in the U.S.:

  • Renting a property – U.S. landlords often require a credit check. A positive credit history will make it easier to secure housing.

  • Obtaining loans – If you plan to expand your E2 business, you might seek financing from U.S. banks or lenders. A good credit score will allow you to secure loans, making it easier to invest in your business.

  • Business operations – Similarly, if your business needs to lease equipment, establish partnerships, secure suppliers, etc., having a good credit score might help facilitate these arrangements.

  • Personal purchases – If you plan to purchase a property or a vehicle, having a good credit score will help you secure a favorable financing term, such as a lower interest rate.

Message us with any concerns or questions regarding your credit score for E2 visa. We offer free consultations.


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