E2 Visa Treaty Country: Colombia

Everything you need to know about Colombia E2 visa treaty country data. Learn more about how to get an approved E2 visa using a franchise business by contacting us.

Colombia treaty country flag
E2 Country SinceVisa Length
June 10, 19485 Years
Population: 51.8 million

The E2 visa approval numbers decreased significantly during the pandemic however we see the potential that it will recover soon.

The E2 visa has an 89% success rate, making E2 one of the best visas to obtain. To learn more about E2 Visa, you can click here.

We have helped 1,600+ E2 visa applicants with their business since 2004. Let's connect.

E2 Visa Issued Globally

E2 Visa Issued & Rejected 2022

E2 Visa Issued in Colombia

U.S. Embassy in Bogota
Carrera 45 No. 24B-27 Bogotá, D.C. Colombia
Phone: (+57) (1) 275-2000
Fax: (+57) (1) 275-4600

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